Become your own healer.

Have you ever felt there was another path to wellness, but didn’t know where to begin?

Are you ready to regain control and feel centered, alert, and well?

An herbal wellness consultation can be a great way to learn how to support your body's vital force, incorporate herbs safely into your routine, and reclaim your foundational right to your own health.

How you’ll feel

Supported, vibrant, and whole in body, mind, and spirit.

Wellness Coaching

Payment plans are available. Fees do not reflect the cost of suggested herbs or supplements.

If you can’t afford a package, please consider signing up for the monthly free herbal clinic or contact me for other arrangements.

No one seeking care is turned away for financial reasons.


Kristy Baird Clinical Herbalist Erie Pa in consultation with client

*I am not a medical doctor/physician, nor do I practice medicine as defined by the State of Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania Statutes Title 63, per the Medical Practice Act of 1985), including but not limited to the diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevention of any disease, nor do I offer advice about the use of any type of pharmaceuticals or medications at any time. My services shall not be construed as a substitute for those services, which can only be performed by a licensed physician.